Thursday, March 22, 2012

"I am moving...."

I am consolidating this topic with my new blog at Wordpress.  Please visit me there and sign up to receive updates.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

If what you have in life is all up to God, Jesus never would have said Mark 11:23. Your mountain needs to hear your voice. -- Mark Hankins (@markhankins1123)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our only safeguard from dropping back into our natural mind is to be filled and filled again with the Holy Spirit.SWigglesworth -- Mark Hankins (@markhankins1123)

Friday, February 17, 2012

The blood of Jesus is liquid love that flows from God's heart, reaches into the heart of man and heals us where we have been hurt by life. -- markhankins1123 (@markhankins1123)

Friday, February 10, 2012

When the Holy Spirit is working on your case, you have a tremendous advantage because He has a reputation for winning cases... -- markhankins1123 (@markhankins1123)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Word of God was spoken before it was written, and it was written so it could be spoken. -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The spirit of faith will announce the outcome in the middle of the adversity...Acts 27:25. -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Friday, February 3, 2012

The right information will change a nation. The Gospel of Christ!! -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Eternal life is to know God, not to just to warm a pew on Sundays. (James 2:14) -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Faith is an act: the simplest definition of faith is acting like the Bible is true... Faith without corresponding actions is dead. -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No word of God is void of power. To defeat the devil keep him in the book, the Word of God! -- BillWinstonmin (@BillWinstonmin)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sin has made us workers - Grace would make us trusters. -- EWKenyonDaily (@EWKenyonDaily)

It is necessary that we study the Word &get the Word of God in us. We must be filled up with the Word& give no place 2the devil. -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Every believer has the life of God abiding in him or her. It doesn't just belong to the preacher. -- KenHaginDaily (@KenHaginDaily)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We can face the raging sea as Jesus faced it, and know that it is our servant. -- EWKenyonDaily (@EWKenyonDaily)

One of the biggest hindrances to prayer is simply not praying. -- JoyceMeyer (@JoyceMeyer)

We can face hungry multitudes as Jesus faced it, & know that 5loaves&2fishes when touched by Love will multiply until the crowds r satisfied -- EWKenyonDaily (@EWKenyonDaily)

We can stand b4 a lost world knowing that Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary & His victory over death,hell&thegrave r all that the lost world needs -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

House Offers Protest Vote as Obama Raises Debt Ceiling Again: via @NewAmericanMag -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

"If it [the Word] doesn't work, it's because I don't work it." -- KenHaginDaily (@KenHaginDaily)

Our spirit responds when we yield to the Lordship of Jesus. -- KenHaginDaily (@KenHaginDaily)

The key to biblical faith is the recognition in our own heart of the lordship of Jesus. -- KenHaginDaily (@KenHaginDaily)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

”The most important thing that can be taught in the last days, is how to be lead by the Spirit” -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Faith doesn't cry; faith shouts! Faith doesn't beg God to do something--it declares it is done! -- pneumalady (@pneumalady)

Monday, January 16, 2012

If we believe the Word, rest on the Word, know that no Word from God is untrue and that God cannot lie, then our faith becomes strong. -- EWKenyonDaily (@EWKenyonDaily)

Faith is built up and made invincible by Righteousness Consciousness. -- EWKenyonDaily (@EWKenyonDaily)